To all those who seek satisfaction in giving,

To all those who eat full by sharing half,

To all those who walk behind lending afoot,

To all those who feed stray dogs in what earn,

To all those who save for their offsprings,

To all those who take half salaries to spend time,

To all those who stand up for their little brothers,

To all those who treat angels, their little sisters,

To all those who believe in old woman on the moon,

To all those who sleep in father’s cuddles,

To all those who help mothers in the kitchen,

To all those who take little risks,

To all those who take huge responsibilities,

To all those who toast coffee with enemies,

To all those who become neighbors on the border,

To all those who realize borders are nothing,

To all those who know borders are for land,

To all those who know how to lead,

To all those who give freedom and choice,

To all those who take them,

To all those who enjoy seeing a bid fly,

To all those who walk hand in hand,

To all those who draw a heart in love shape,

To all those who write love in new words,

To all those who never say ‘I love you’, but show it,

To all those who care more than themselves,

To all those who take the bullet for the loved,

To all those who make everyday a Valentine’s,

To all those who think they can live with just love,

To all those who know that it’s true,

To all those in love and do,

I wish you a very Happy Valentine’s Day,

To remind that we are living in a world,

To give love and to take.